WDS Wiring Diagram System - E87
A_Control units, modules
B_Sensors, transducers
E_Lamps, electrical heaters
G_Power supply, triggering units
H_Acoustic and optical signalling units
I_Components of outside manufacturer
M_Electric motors, drives
N_Amplifiers, controllers, control modules
R_Resistors, potentiometers
S_Switch, button
T_Ignition coils
U_Radio/interference-suppression equipment
W_Antennae, shields
Y_Electromechanical components
Z_Interference-suppression coils
I01012 Rear window aerial
I01032 Switch block multifunction steering wheel, left
I01033 Switch block multifunction steering wheel, right
I01046 Suppression capacitor for ignition coils
I01197 Microswitch, coupling fastener, left
I01068 Relay, terminal 30G
I01069 Relay, terminal 15
I01091 Rocker switch, left
I01092 Rocker switch, right
I01096 Steering torque sensor
I01121 B+ terminal point, luggage well
I01134 Trunk lid resistor, left
I01135 Trunk lid resistor, right
I01157 Seat belt positioner controller, driver
I01158 Seat belt positioner controller, front passenger
I01185 FM antenna 1
I01187 FM antenna 3
I01198 Hall sensor, rear module almost closed
I01199 Hall sensor, rear module open
I01200 Microswitch, cowl panel locked
I01201 Microswitch, cowl panel unlocked
I01202 Microswitch, coupling fastener, right
I01203 Hall sensor, roof package up
I01204 Hall sensor, roof package down
I01205 Hall sensor, roof shells partially closed
I01206 Hall sensor, roof shells partially open
I01207 Hall sensor, rear module closed
I01208 Hall sensor, coupling fastener, right
I01209 Drive unit for hardtop lock
I01215 Nitrogen oxide sensor
I01226 CAN terminating resistor
I14255 MOST-bus connector